Loss of teeth could cause both mental and physical health issues in people of all ages. Previously, the replacement of a missing tooth was possible only by the means of either putting removable dentures or bridges. Because these techniques have their own disadvantages, advancement in the field of dentistry has led to the creation of various types of Implants.
Dentist Sunshine offers you Implants of different types and sizes depending on your needs. Commonly, they’re fixed to the jaws and look similar to the original teeth. The whole procedure requires either one or two visits at a maximum which involves placing a screw in the bones followed by putting a crown on top.
Before you learn about the different types of implants, it is important to know whether the procedure is suitable for you or not. A patient with a good bone density along with the capacity to undergo tooth extraction will find it easy to get a dental implant.
But, the people suffering from the following types of ailments are unsuitable for getting dental implants:
Heavy Smokers
Cardiac Diseases
Chronic Diseases
Bone related Diseases
Other similar health conditions too could result in failure while applying dental implants. However, you can still seek other forms of tooth replacement treatments that are offered at Dentist Sunshine.
Different Types Dental Implants
Because no one is anatomically identical to each other, it is also easy to consider that the requirements of tooth replacement my differ too. For remedying the loss of tooth in different conditions, you can get the following types of dental implants at Dentist Sunshine:
Endosteal Implants
This is one of the healthiest types of dental implant which involves planting a titanium screw in your jaw bone to affix a crown. People with a good bone density can get these implants as they’re also reliably long-lasting. A person only has to wait a few months in recovery for the screws to be well merged with the bone after which the custom-made crown can be placed for obtaining a perfect smile and good speech.
This type of implant available at Dentist Sunshine is unlike the former type of implant as it only connects with the jaw and not all the way to the bone. The procedure for this type of implant entails placing a titanium screw into the gums and once they’re healed, the cap or crown is then placed on the screw. Dentists Sunshine suggests this type of implant for people with weaker bone density or inadequate jaw bone height. To your benefit, the treatment for both of these conditions is possible at Dentist Sunshine.
This type of implant available at Dentist Sunshine is unlike the former type of implant as it only connects with the jaw and not all the way to the bone. The procedure for this type of implant entails placing a titanium screw into the gums and once they’re healed, the cap or crown is then placed on the screw. Dentists Sunshine suggests this type of implant for people with weaker bone density or inadequate jaw bone height. To your benefit, the treatment for both of these conditions is possible at Dentist Sunshine.
This type of implant is performed only when the patient has certain conditions that make the other types of implants impossible. Though it is a complex procedure that requires placing implant screws in the cheekbone of a patient, our dentists are well experienced in performing and providing this treatment with the utmost care.
Our dentists at Dentist sunshine can provide you several dental treatments that are focused on your welfare and dental history. We utilize modern machines and equipment to accurately provide the most satisfying solution for teeth replacement. You can get the following Dental Implants at Dentist Sunshine:
Bone augmentation
When a patient has weaker bone regeneration and could not support implants, bone additives are used to encourage bone growth to solve the need for dental implants.
Sinus Lift
For people with missing upper teeth and sinus problems, they can have this treatment performed which involves placing a bone below the sinus. It is effectively easy and requires a few visits only.
Ridge Expansion
When the jaw isn’t wide enough to accommodate the dental implant, bone graft material can be used to make the top jaw elongated.
Mini Dental Implants
These are smaller than the size of a toothpick and are primarily placed to support dentures through a simple process.
Immediate Dental Implants
You can get a temporary tooth placed on your existing implant on the same day of your visit and it usually is provided for those with good bone density.
This is a revolutionary implant method that can be used for replacing the full arch of both lower and upper jawbones. It involves placing four implants to the bone followed by placing crowns but only after the gum has healed in a few months.
Contact Us For Effective Dental Implants
Dentist Sunshine offers world-class dental treatments to people of all ages to eradicate both common and complex dental problems. Our techniques are cost-effective and we also provide consultation visits so you can relieve yourself from toothache and other conditions.